D3N (IEEE Big Data 19) 论文阅读 - multi-layer cache size auto-configuration
D3N: A multi-layer cache for the rest of us
networking + cache auto-configuration
- big-data jobs assume high bandwidth 大数据场景需要高带宽
- large network imbalances due to over-subscription and incremental networking upgrades 但是实际上整个网络架构并不如理想,over-subscription(比如 input 带宽加起来其实比 output 链路的能力要大很多,但是 networking 会假设 input 不容易全用满)以及网络可能不断加入新的输入(也是说 input 会越来越大 “organic growth”)
- 给出来了一个 2-layer D3N cache (on Ceph RADOS Gateway)
D3N = Datacenter-Data-Delivery Network
- D3N uses high-speed storage (e.g. NVMe flash or DRAM) to cache datasets on the access side of links in a hierarchical network, dynamically allocating cache space across layers based on observed workload patterns and link speeds, so that cache capacity is preferentially used for traffic crossing the most over-subscribed links.
- “D3N has required no changes to the interfaces of any Ceph services, involves no additional meta-data services (e.g, to locate cached blocks), and all policies are implemented based purely on local information.” really?

本文前面提到过 D3N cache 的设计是 2-layer 的,对着架构图来说,实际上就是“intra-rack”一层,”inter-rack“一层。
为什么要这样呢?这里解释了 “differing upgrade schedules and split ownership typically prevent inter-cluster networks from being upgraded at the same time, resulting in significant bandwidth mismatches across compute clusters.” 所以除了需要 cache 来吸收请求,还需要 intra 和 inter cache size 的动态调整,来平衡请求(当然也不是万能的)。
事实上例子也印证了直觉 “the multi-level approach offers better performance than either a pure L1 or pure L2 approach for 4 cache servers or more”:

D3N Architecture
- For simplicity and resiliency, as well as for integration in existing storage solutions, all caching and routing decision are based on local information rather than central coordination.

Each chunk (4 MiB) has a “home location” within the L2 cache, and L1 misses are forwarded to the chunk home location. Only in the event of a miss at the home location is a request forwarded to the data lake, the results of which are cached at both the home (i.e. L2) and client-serving (L1) locations. The L1 and L2 caches are unified: L1 requests for a chunk received at that chunk’s home location result in a single cached copy of the data.
- Local cache management: Since caching decisions are performed locally within the cache pools in each layer, D3N can make globally suboptimal caching decisions. For example, a few popular blocks can be replicated across all the L1 caches flooding the capacity and preventing caching of slightly less popular blocks.
- Lack of fairness: Compute clusters participating in D3N share resources such as rack space, storage, power, and network bandwidth with D3N. Even though D3N tries to provide a common good by eliminating network bottlenecks, the individual benefits each cluster gets from D3N may be different and disproportionate to the resources they provide.
Implementation within Ceph
- Figure6 没看懂
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